What Type of Hot Water Heater is Best for Your Home?

When choosing a new hot water heater for your home, selecting one that will not only provide plenty of hot water but also do so in an energy efficient manner is essential.

This means you include the different types of new hot water heaters on the market and determine the right fuel source and size for your home and family’s needs. IF your hot water heater is not working as well anymore it may be time for hot water heater replacement.

Call us at 201.399.2160 for the best hot water heater options in NJ.



Types of Hot Water Heaters Available

It is important to know the different options and types of hot waters heaters available prior to making a purchase.

These include:

  • Conventional storage hot water heaters offer a reservoir tank of hot water.
  • Tankless hot water heaters, referred to as on-demand tanks heat water right when needed.
  • Heat pump options move the heat from one location to another, rather than generating heat directly for the production of hot water.
  • Solar water heaters utilize the heat of the sun to create hot water.
  • Indirect water heaters use the space heating system for heating water.

Selecting the Right New Hot Water Heater in NJ


When choosing the right type and model of water heater for your NJ home, you should consider the following criteria:

  • Cost, availability and fuel type. The energy source used for heating the water will affect the operation costs, as well as its energy efficiency and size.
  • To ensure there is plenty of hot water to go around to maximize efficiency you need the right size hot water heater.
  • Energy efficiency. Maximize cost savings and energy expenditures by knowing how efficient a water heater is prior to purchasing it.
  • Prior to purchasing a new hot water heater, learn about annual operation costs and compare those with other makes, types and models.

Be sure that you also take steps in day to day living to reduce your total hot water usage. This will minimize hot water heater repair and service.

If you need hot water heater repair in NJ give us a call at 201.399.2160 and we can have an experienced NJ plumber stop by to help you out right away.

Water Heater Energy Source in NJ

An important consideration when selecting the right hot water heater for your home is the type of fuel it uses.

  • Electrical water heater
  • Fuel oil water heater
  • Geothermal energy
  • Natural gas water heater
  • Propane water heater
  • Solar energy water heater

Fuel Costs and Your New Hot Water Heater

If you have to choose between several fuel types, it is a good idea to compare the costs of the fuels that are available, especially if you are planning on constructing a new home.

Even if you are replacing your water heater, you may find that you will be able to save more money if you select a different energy source of fuel type.

The type of hot water heater you select will also affect your overall water heating costs.

One option of water heater might use a fuel type that is more efficient than another make or model.

Taking the time to find the right type of hot water heater will pay off in the long run.

Learn more about water heater options that are available in NJ by contacting Quest Plumbing today at 201.399.2160.