Here are some questions and answers that can help you on Plumbing and Heating Repair and air Conditioning Services.
If you need any advice, please feel free to contact us 201-399-2160

Sewer Repair Cleaning Drain Problems.

How do I Fix a Noisy Pipe?

Having a noisy pipe in your home is annoying especially when you turn the water on and off or in the middle of the night. The most common reasons for noisy pipes are due to either a loose pipe that is hitting another surface, high water pressure pulsing through the pipes, or the lack of a vent pipe that results in noise and/or clogged pipes. To remedy the situation, there are a few tricks you can try on your own to see if the pipes will quiet down.

how-to-quiet-loud-pipes, NJ


Tips on Fixing your Noisy Pipes


  • The easiest way to fix a noisy pipe is to pinpoint where the noise is coming from, and if the pipe is visible, you can simply use either a wooden base, foam or rubber from say an old garden hose to pad the pipe against its mounted wall fixture or its proximity to other pipes.
  • If the pipe is loose against its strap or U-clamp, you can screw the pipe back in place. Just ensure that you do not screw too tightly to allow the pipe to expand and contract with differences in temperature.
  • Supply pipes and drain pipes can vibrate and create a raucous if the water pressure is too high. If you have tried padding down the pipes and that has not done the trick, try reducing the water pressure to see how the pipes respond.
  • Clogged supply pipes and drain pipes are more difficult to handle. These require using a snake and other special equipment for repairs. If you have a snake at hand, you can try unblocking the drain yourself. However, if the blockage is further than your snake’s reach or if you cannot clear the block, you may need to call us for assistance.

If your pipes continue to make noises that keep you awake at night, it may be time to call us. We service NJ. Please do not hesitate to give us a call at 201-399-2160 so that we can take care of the noisy pipes for you.

Kitchen Sink Clogged? This is how to unclog the sink drain without calling a plumber

For minor sink clogs, here are simple steps with two different tools that you can use to fix the situation and avoid calling the plumber. Make sure to also have a small bucket, rubber gloves, and a small flashlight handy. Run plenty of all cold water prior to beginning any work. Ensure that your garbage disposer is not the issue by plugging it off, turning the blades manually, and inserting a wrench at the bottom of the disposer. Once you are certain that the sink drain is the issue, use either tool below.

• Plunger

Visit your local hardware store to purchase a plunger. Fill your sink with about 3 – 4 inches of water and plunge up and down for about 20 seconds, repeating the process as needed. This forces water down the drain and hopefully unclogs your sink.

• Snake

If a plunger doesn’t do the trick, you may need to use a snake to get into the drain stub-out. This requires disassembling the P-trap underneath your sink and feeding the snake through the drain until it hits, loosens, and removes the blockage.

If at this point your sink remains clogged, it is best to call a plumber. Your blockage may be further down the drains in places that require special equipment or more expertise. If that is the case, please feel free to call or contact us and we would be happy to assist you on the matter.


Water is leaking in my living room, bathroom, and kitchen…what should I do first?

If water is leaking within your living area, the first thing you need to recognize is the source of the leak which sometimes might be difficult to discover. You need to recognize if the water is coming from the water system in your house or water from rain, gutters, or a leaking roof.

  • The first thing you should do is turn off the valve. Sometimes you can just turn off the water in the problem area. For instance, in the kitchen you can shut off the valve under the sink’s faucet. In the bathroom there are separate valves for the sink, toilet, and the shower. If you don’t have a separate valve, you might need to shut off the main valve in your home in order to stop the leaking and prevent further damage.
  • If you have water leakage due to a leaking gutter or roof, you need to try to keep the source away or block it temporarily. Simply call us and we will work with you.
  • Another reason for the leakage might be because of a clogged sewer pipe that needs to be cleaned from either a second floor, basement, or even from your neighbor that leaks into your area. This will require different handling and you might need a professional to come and take a look and evaluate the source.

Water tends to travel to the lowest point, meaning that the visual leakage or wet spot you witness is not necessarily the spot where the damage is located. It could either be a valve or pipe that is leaking much further than where you see the leakage. Feel free to call us 201-399-2160 at and we would be happy to take a look and advise you.



Heating – Boiler – Furnace Problems.

Air Conditioning – HVAC – Central Air – A/C Problems.

Commercial Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning.